There's over $50 billion in unclaimed money out there. Did you know that some of it could be yours? This unclaimed money you're missing out on could be from paychecks you forgot to cash, insurance money you forgot to collect, bank accounts you forgot to close... or even something else.
There's even money you can get from app signup bonuses, canceling unused subscriptions, or ditching your overpriced car insurance. All this money could be yours for the taking. Here's how to get it.
1. Go to the right website for unclaimed money
Imagine finding out you have hundreds or thousands of dollars out there in unclaimed money... that belongs to you. If you want to claim that cash and put it towards something like a brand new purchase, a fancy vacation, slashing your debt, or investing, you have to know where to look.
Every state is different in the way you can claim unclaimed money, so the first thing you need to do is go to the right website. This helps make sure you get every penny you’re owed… and not a cent less. In Florida, for instance, you’ll have to go to the “FL Treasure Hunt” website. There you’ll be able to search directly for your unclaimed cash. Floridians, for example, have claimed $328 million so far just through this simple and easy process.
2. Collect documents to verify your identity
The only way you can access your unclaimed money is with the right documentation that verifies your identity. If you can do that, you can claim your money immediately. Then you could do it again year after year after year, just to make sure you're not missing out on any more unclaimed cash, potentially putting even more money in your wallet. Here are the documents you might need (it varies by state):
- Proof of address, like a utility bill
- A copy of your Social Security card or W-2 form
- A state-issued I.D. card or driver's license
Imagine, with just a few clicks you could potentially pocket hundreds of dollars in unclaimed money. And all you need to do is prove that you are who you say you are!
3. File your claim to get your money
This is the best part: getting to officially claim the money as your own. Once you've found your state's unclaimed money website and you've collected documents that verify your identity, you can file your claim. Some states allow you to do this online, while others are mail-only. It usually depends on how much money you're owed and where you live.
Each state's unclaimed money website will give you detailed instructions on how you can claim the money that's rightfully yours, and what you need to do in order to get a check sent to your mailbox. Read the instructions carefully and make sure everything you send is accurate and up to date. You don't want to delay the process of claiming money that is rightfully yours!
To make sure you go to the right website, please look at this table.
State | Method to Claim |
Alabama | |
Alaska | Online |
Arizona | |
Arkansas | Online |
California | Some online |
Colorado | |
Connecticut | |
Delaware | Online |
Florida | |
Georgia | Online |
Hawaii | |
Idaho | Online |
Illinois | |
Indiana | |
Iowa | Online |
Kansas | |
Kentucky | |
Louisiana | |
Maine | |
Maryland | |
Massachusetts | |
Michigan | |
Minnesota | Online |
Mississippi | |
Missouri | Online |
Montana | Online |
Nebraska | Some online |
Nevada | |
New Hampshire | |
New Jersey | Online |
New Mexico | |
New York | Online |
North Carolina | |
North Dakota | |
Ohio | |
Oklahoma | |
Oregon | |
Pennsylvania | |
Rhode Island | Online |
South Carolina | |
South Dakota | Online |
Tennessee | |
Texas | |
Utah | |
Vermont | |
Virginia | |
Washington | Online |
Washington, D.C. | |
West Virginia | Online |
Wisconsin | |
Wyoming |
4. Wait for your check
This is the hardest part of the whole process... waiting for the moment your check arrives in the mail can be excruciating. But once the check arrives and you're holding it in your hands, you'll breathe a sigh of relief — and maybe even laugh while you think about how easy the whole process was. It's like getting free money!
Normal people like you from all over the U.S. have claimed their unclaimed money successfully. Some, like Chris in Atlanta, Georgia, received $560. Others, like Diana in Minnesota, found $41,000 from unclaimed stocks and bonds.1
It's worth noting that many people don't think they would have a lot of money to claim, but the reality is that it could be much more than you think. Why not see what you can get?